эколого – этнографический комплекс Чочур Муран
построен в дань уважения русским первопроходцам Сибири
В ресторане, кроме русской кухни, гостям предлагают и особое меню из даров тайги — саламат, кёрчэх с арктическими ягодами, тансык…
Vasilis Kos.
07:54 16 Jan 22
A fantastic complex of traditional Yakutian houses! The main building houses a three floor restaurant with great local cuisine, which is literally transformed into a little folklore museum! The overall environment is very cozy, the music is very relaxing, and the staff very friendly. You can also have a small ride with a dog's sledge on the nearby frozen lake, for 300 rubles!Just two things need to be improved: the portions in the restaurant should be bigger for what you pay, and the sledge ride should be a little longer, not just a couple of minutes!
Eddie Chan
02:35 16 Feb 20
It's a restaurant museum! Must visit for tourists though a bit expensive compared to other places in the city
Pavel Bilenko
15:34 27 Nov 18
Great restaurant and museum with delicious Russian and national dishes. Three floors of museum, Yakutsk souvenirs and fun. Dog sledding as an option. Very good desserts - try frozen brusnika with sgushenka in Lakomka dessert, it is great! Good choice of fish as well.
Stephen Scully
21:52 12 Sep 17
No visit to Yakutsk is ever complete without dining at the Chochur Muran. There's an abundant availability of local dishes and delicacies to be had here and it's really worth the price you pay. After a good hearty meal, tour around the place and you can also catch some outdoor fun riding reindeers or dog sledding with Siberian Laikas (cute blue-eyed huskies).
Забронируйте сейчас
Этнографический комплекс Чочур Муран предложит вам местную кухню аутентичного характера, а также традиционную русскую кухню. В приготовлении блюда наполняются красотой в простоте и почти не используются специи для придания первозданного вкуса. Ценность нашей кухни это свежая и натуральная продукция со всех уголков Якутии прямо к Вашему столу.